Online environment for accredited work placement companies
In MySBB, you can access your accreditation details anytime and anywhere, register new work placements for Stagemarkt.nl and Leerbanenmarkt.nl, submit ideas for new education and much more.
Credential evaluation
The Credential Evaluation and Educational Comparison Department of SBB is the centre of expertise for foreign and Dutch VET diplomas.
You can contact the department for a declaration on the value of your old VET diploma, for example. Or for an AC declaration, if you want to work in a regulated profession abroad.

Facts and figures
The Netherlands has a workforce of more than 9 million people, 3.7 million of whom followed a VET course. These professionals work in many different sectors. The demand for freshly graduated VET students is therefore high. This makes it all the more important to ensure that the courses on offer match the demand from the labour market as closely as possible.
How many VET colleges are there? How many accredited work placement companies? What are the chances for a work\ placement, apprenticeship and job? What trends and developments do sectors face? We have listed them for you.
Be inspired
In cooperation with the Netherlands Association of VET Colleges (MBO Raad), the Netherlands Council for Training and Education (NRTO) and the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV), SBB has prepared an inspiration card for retraining and extra training via VET for promising professions.