Contact form
Do you have a question, signal or complaint? Send us a message via the contact form.
As an accredited work placement company, you contribute to the future of craftmanship and set an example for the industry.
What subsidies and funds are available for accredited work placement companies in order to maintain work placements (school-based pathway), apprenticeships (work-based pathway) and VET courses in the third learning pathway?
As an accredited work placement company, you will uphold certain conditions.
The Credential Evaluation and Educational Comparison Department of SBB is the centre of expertise for foreign and Dutch VET diplomas.
Do you have a question? See the frequently asked questions at the bottom of this page. Is your question not listed? Call our Service Desk at 088 338 00 00. You can also reach us via or the contact form.
Louis Braillelaan 24, 2719 EJ Zoetermeer
Postal address
Postbus 7259, 2701 AG Zoetermeer
Do you have a question, signal or complaint? Send us a message via the contact form.